MBA -程序和课程

Program Outcomes

  1. Strategy: Students will graduate with an ethically sound foundation from which to contribute and lead a 21st century enterprise.
  2. Entrepreneurship: 学生将带着……的精神毕业, eye for, 了解创新和创造力的好处以及如何做出贡献, 组织并帮助企业在未来保持卓越.
  3. Global: Students will graduate with an appreciation for and a working knowledge of the global marketplace and how to further contribute toward expanding the scope of an enterprise in today’s global marketplace.
  4. Management: Students will graduate with the ability to move immediately into a general management manager role with the requisite competencies to lead people, manage operations, 分析财务报表, prepare budgets, comply with the law, 并就改善企业业绩的行动方案向高管提供适当的建议.

Student Learning Goals

  1. Students will be able to discern the positive and negative effects of leaders’ actions and decisions on the business, its people, 它的多个利益相关者, 以及整个社区.
  2. Students will be practiced at considered business decisions against a filter of the Catholic faith, the Rule of St. Benedict,以及其他各种个人道德和伦理过滤器.
  3. 学生将能够思考和预测相互依存的财务, economic, market, cultural, consumer, and competitive variables of a complex business/marketplace strategy and achieve desired results.
  4. 学生将能够在信任中与其他专业人士接触, 有效冲突, accountable environment where individual differences are embraced and results are optimized.
  5. Students will be able to identify an unmet need and articulate a plan to meet and capitalize on meeting that need in a competitive environment.
  6. Students will be able to create and lead in an environment where innovation and creativity thrive.
  7. Students will be able to analyze and identify unmet needs within the global community on which their enterprise can capitalize for future expansion.
  8. 学生将能够识别和分析关键的金融, cultural, 以及影响全球企业成功的资源变量.
  9. 学生将能够绘制和理解复杂的竞争激烈的全球市场, anticipating the external factors that will play into their enterprise’s strategy for the next three to five years.
  10. Students will be more comfortable in an unfamiliar culture and global business environment, 在确定他们的商业战略之前,准备好倾听并向他人学习.
  11. 学生将能够观察, analyze, understand, 并为具体的和企业范围的过程改进提出建议.
  12. 学生将能够分析实际费用和预算数据,以改善运营.
  13. Students will be able to make employment decisions including hiring and performance management, 提高公司绩效.
  14. Students will be able to convince executives of strategic course changes and the expected results.


Students are required to complete 33 credits of graduate course work in order to receive their MBA degree in business administration.


This course provides an analysis of accounting information and the control function within the firm. 本课程的重点是公司财务总监的角色. Specifically, decisions involving the management functions of determining and controlling relevant costs are examined and developed. This course introduces the role that budget and cost analysis play in effective operations management as well as product pricing. The course explores approaches to the development and management of planning and control functions, 公司的方法和系统. Prerequisite: Completion of undergraduate financial accounting course or Executive MBA status.


The nature of strategic decisions related to the source and use of funds for capital expenditures are central to this course. 检查和分析财务决策中的风险, 我们还将研究为管理资本而发展起来的金融工具. Attention is given to the process and role of capital budgeting and control of capital usage.


本课程采用分析的方法来研究市场营销, 关注做出营销决策的整体环境. 重点是管理决策, 以及营销活动的策划、研究和组织方面. Students examine consumer and industrial products and services; profit, non-profit, public and private organizations; and the social and legal implications of marketing policies.

BUSI-5571 Business Law & 道德决策

研究了美国商业组织运作的法律环境. Topics include rights and shareholders; director’s and officer’s liability; mergers, acquisitions, 接管和证券监管. 特别强调就业方面的法律问题, 包括与招聘有关的问题, terminations, and discipline. 联邦和州法律都将被考虑. 探讨个人道德和商业道德/法律困境的问题.


This course explores the nature and role (including market forces) of decisions that determine profit-maximizing production and pricing. 本课程探讨实用的微观经济和宏观经济太阳城官网, 包括相关费用, 供给和需求的决定因素以及它们在决策中的作用. 前提条件:完成本科经济学课程.


本课程涉及招聘所需程序的研究, employment testing, 面试和选拔过程, job design, evaluation techniques, 劳资关系, 工资及薪金管理, 现行的雇佣条例. 将强调案例分析和课堂讲座的使用.

BUSI-6552 Leadership

This course emphasizes the role and practice of leadership in the successful execution of an enterprise. 将研究领导力的差和优秀的例子. A priority is placed on each student developing his or her own leadership paradigm that aligns fully with his or her values and beliefs as integrity is critical to the role of leadership. 特定行为动力学, accountability, trust building, and commitment will be examined as elements requiring the influence and intervention of leadership to optimize cooperation and results.

商业实践 & 企业社会责任

This course examines the exercise of leadership in modern organizations with a focus on ethical challenges facing corporate leaders in the rapidly changing business environment. Emphasis is placed on understanding the responsibilities corporations have toward various publics (stakeholders) and the implications of the Benedictine heritage for business practice.

BUSI-6540 Business Creation Practicum (Ideally should be taken in your last or second to last semester)

A new enterprise in order to be successful must be able to tell a unique story to the market and at the same time must be financially profitable and sustainable in time. 这门课程涉及到创建新企业的艰巨任务, 学习和太阳城官网商业模式画布方法. 在课程中,该方法也将太阳城官网于新产品的创造, 注重为客户创造价值. Telling a unique story involves also alignment with personal stories; the course will extend the methodology attempting a coherent alignment between business, 产品与个人的事业.

BUSI-6559全球战略/国际风险投资(顶点课程, 必须在最后一学期或倒数第二学期完成)

本课程解决商业问题, opportunities, 以及与全球市场经济相关的过程. International business practice and communication skills are integrated into each aspect of the course. 重点包括:管理中的当前问题, economics, finance, 营销或生产, and how these operate in different countries with widely varying thought processes and cultures.

BUSI-6900战略管理(顶点课程, 必须在最后一学期或倒数第二学期完成)

本课程旨在培养一种整合创造性思维的管理观点, 战略视角和管理能力在全球范围内. The course helps students develop skills and perspectives necessary to comprehend and respond to a complex, whole system phenomena. Finally, this course introduces and develops the ideas and tools of strategy and strategic analysis. 探讨现代商业问题的综合案例, alternative courses of action are appraised and strategic decision-making ability is developed.
